Mark Walker, Director Insights and Vertical Industries at International Data Corporation (IDC) in his keynote address at the opening of three day the MEET ICT 2013 Conference highlighted the importance of the technology and its role in the global economy.
In his paper titled Four Pillars of Success-How Third Platform Technologies will define our future, said that technology development took place very quickly and rapidly and this would continue to reshape the economic and social future of the global community.
Certified global reports about ICT indicators show that milestone achievements have been made by Bahrain in this industry. International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) has identified Bahrain as one of the most dynamic countries in ICT. Measuring the Information Society (MIS) report issued this year ranks Bahrain third in the Arab region and eighth as the highest in terms of the ICT Development Index (IDI).
The three days conference and exhibition gathers ICT institutions and companies to have the opportunity to showcase their relevant activities and services. The public can attend the exhibition and gain access to the latest developments and innovations in technology from 9am to 5pm.
The expo will be a meeting venue to communicate and interact with various local, regional and global organizations as well as experts such as the eGovernment Authority.