The Prime Minister stated that plans and future programmes will be drawn up to address this matter, taking all necessary executive, legal, and precautionary measures to succeed, including forming specialized committees and teams within the government and develop programs that promote coexistence, acceptance of others, and tolerance of differences, in order to spare the community from the evils of discord and hatred, as well as its consequences. HRH the Prime Minister stressed that the government condemns all forms of terrorism and any attempts to instill discord and sectarian polarization. He urged everyone – with clerics, media and social leaders at the forefront – to fulfill their national responsibility and reject social, political or religious strife
The Cabinet then approved a draft law bill to establish the National Human Rights Organization (NHRO) and refer it to the legislative authority in accordance to the Constitution and proper legal measures. The draft law bill allows the National Human Rights Organization to have affiliated individuals with legal, financial, and administrative independence who exercise their functions freely with neutrality and independence. This includes the freedom to comment on any matter related to Human Rights and to deal with any Human Rights cases it deems appropriate. The King and the Kingdom’s constitutional authorities can refer subjects to the organization related to its specialty to comment on.