He called to fast-track the GCC work, stressing the importance of unity in facing dangers.
HRH was speaking he received at Gudaibiya Palace today a Kuwaiti parliamentary delegation led by National Assembly Deputy Speaker Mubarak Al-Khurainej.
He praised the role of the legislative institutions in fostering relations between the GCC countries, urging more cooperation among them to enhance comprehensive development and boost people’s welfare.
He paid tribute to Kuwait for its supportive stances to Arab and Islamic issues, in general, and Bahrain, in particular, praising strong bilateral relations.
The Kuwaiti delegation condemned the recent terror blasts in Daih, lauding the climate of freedom, reform and democracy in Bahrain. They also paid tribute to HRH the Prime Minister for his key role in bolstering the GCC work and engineering Bahrain’s growth and development.
The Kuwaiti delegation is on a visit to Bahrain to take part in the third meeting of the second session of the first legislative term of the Arab Parliament held from March 2 to 6.