MANAMA: S&P Dow Jones Indices (S&P DJI), as of Dec. 31, 2016, managed $11.7 trillion in assets globally are tracking indices, according to its annual survey of assets. Of that total, more than $7.4 trillion is comprised of benchmarked assets, while another $4.2 trillion is directly indexed via exchange-traded products (ETPs) and other investment vehicles.
The report says $8.7 trillion in assets is benchmarked or indexed to the S&P 500, the world’s most-followed index as measured by assets under management (AUM).
The other highlights show that approximately $4.2 trillion in total assets are indexed to S&P DJI indices, a 37.0% increase from approximately $3.1 trillion as of Dec. 31, 2015; approximately $1.04 trillion in ETP assets track S&P DJI indices, a market-leading market share of approximately 28% of all ETP assets globally and a 27.8% increase from approximately $815 billion as of Dec. 31, 2015; approximately $184 billion in total assets are indexed to S&P DJI’s smart beta indices, a 26.3% increase from approximately $146 billion as of Dec. 31, 2015; and approximately $40.9 billion in total assets are indexed to S&P DJI’s fixed income indices, a 33.6% increase from approximately $30.6 billion as of Dec. 31, 2015.