Fareed Bader, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bader Group of Companies upon the successful completion of two decades of business lauded Bahrain’s overall business climate.
Bahrain based Bader Group of Companies hosted a special ceremony marking the extension of Gulf Membrane and Coating Industries under the patronage of the Minister of Industry and Commerce Dr. Hassan Fakhro.
Also present at the event were a number of dignitaries and officials from the ministry as well as media representatives.
The new extension which forms part of the Gulf Membrane & Coating Industries in Ras Zuwayed will undertake the manufacturing of green and eco-friendly solutions for water-proofing, thermal insulation, heat protection and restoration and refurbishment.
“With the increasing importance of green buildings, industries world-wide have deepened their involvement in environment conservation and sustainable design and construction,” Fareed Bader, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bader Group of Companies, said.
“This first of its kind project in the Middle East offers eco-friendly products in the field of heat insulation and water-proofing. We are proud to inaugurate this project, which will be part of one of the most modern developments focusing on new ways of production that will be less harmful to the environment and at the same time suit consumers’ needs in a far better way,” he added.
The new range of innovative, eco-friendly, energy-efficient and high quality waterproofing and thermal solutions will offer 40% power saving and assist in minimizing maintenance costs. Besides, these new products will be manufactured using enviromently-friendly chemicals which will reduce harmful impact on the environment as well as on consumer lifestyles.
“As our strategy, our thrust is on providing end-to-end waterproofing solutions for any type of need that arises in building construction. Our new ‘green’ products are specified for any and every area of construction that needs water-tightness. Along with the main products for waterproofing, there are other auxiliary products that aid in specific requirements,” Bader, said.
The new line of waterproofing solutions and insulation products will be in the markets from January 2014.
Gulf Membrane & Coating Industries W.L.L., established in 1993, is an industry leading manufacturer of waterproofing membrane, coatings, mastics and construction chemicals.