CBB hosts the University of Wales students’ delegation
The Central Bank of Bahrain hosted a group of 27 students studying the Banking law and Practice module of Year ...
The Central Bank of Bahrain hosted a group of 27 students studying the Banking law and Practice module of Year ...
The Kingdom of Bahrain plans to launch a sovereign bond, according to a short statement issued by the Central Bank ...
The Union of Arab Banks (UAB) will organize a specialized banking workshop, ...
The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) will make further ...
The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) on Thursday issued directive requiring from the ...
Banks cannot do business in isolation or a vacuum and this part ...
There is a need of stringent regulations covering the entire spectrum ...
[caption id="attachment_19615" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="CBB Governor Rasheed Al Maraj who presided over the 20th IFSB Board Meeting addressing the guests ...
[caption id="attachment_19608" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Rasheed Al Maraj CBB Governor who presided over the IFSB meeting in Manama with other members ...